The Market Seen from the Street: Non Negotiable Organisational Principles
In the real estate market in Portugal, the word "Partnership" has lost its meaning, often marked by short-term practices and fierce competition. This issue led me to reflect on new models of collaboration that promote trust, transparency, and genuine value creation.
In 2024, I decided to replace the concept of “Partnership” with Active Collaboration. This concept goes beyond the exchange of leads or commissions, practices that often result merely in price hikes without proportionate added value.
Active Collaboration represents relationships where all parties contribute to create/deliver something greater than the sum of their individual efforts.
To mitigate the risks of nascent partnerships and promote this model, I have established a set of Non-Negotiable Organizational Principles that "guide" all our interactions and decisions. These principles are both an internal guide and an invitation to others who share the same vision. Additionally, they are subject to joint review whenever a need for adaptation or improvement is identified.
"Non-Negotiable Organizational Principles, by André Casaca"
1. Radical Transparency
1.1. Information is never hidden from colleagues, clients, or partners for the benefit of the organization.
1.2. Consistent communication is essential to building a trusted brand. The commercial purpose must never override the long-term vision.
2. Failure and Mistakes Are Part of the Process
2.1. Doing, testing, and improving is an endless cycle. Evolution is continuous. Short-term results are important, but the constant pursuit of improvement is far more valuable.
2.2. If we don’t innovate, we don’t improve. Comparison with competitors should not exist.
3. The Quality of the Service Provided Is More Important Than Any Agreed Payment
3.1. If there is no value to create for the client, the service should not be sold (regardless of the attractiveness of the payment).
3.2. Whenever we fail, we take responsibility for the mistake.
4. The Value Charged for the Service Must Be Less Than the Value Created for the Client
4.1. If a client demonstrates that we haven’t created value, we refund the amount invoiced.
4.2. The service proposal presented must always consider this aspect, providing the logic when possible.
5. Lies Will Not Be Tolerated
5.1. Whether a colleague, partner, supplier, or client, whenever a lie is detected, the evidence must be immediately discussed with its author(s).
5.2. Depending on the severity of the act, two opportunities for procedural improvement will be given. If the issue persists, the professional/commercial relationship will no longer be viable.
6. Total Freedom, Maximum Responsibility
6.1. All activities, tasks, and processes developed by the organization must have logic and established objectives. The person responsible for the activity/task/process must plan and monitor the execution, controlling and recording time, cost, and result.
6.2. Whenever there are doubts about the implementation of activities/tasks/processes, these must be raised in a timely and practical manner. Vague questions do not work.
7. Communication with Colleagues/Partners/Suppliers/Clients Must Always Be Simple and Quick
7.1. Calls from colleagues/partners/suppliers/clients that cannot be answered at the moment must be returned the same day or within a maximum of 24 hours.
7.2. Valid contacts received via email, WhatsApp, messages, or social networks must be responded to within no more than 48 hours.
8. Without Information Records, There Is No Monitoring. Without Monitoring, There Is No Evolution. Without Evolution, There Is No Organization
8.1. Recording objectives and results is mandatory for all activities/tasks and processes.
8.2. The definition of objectives must be realistic, based on the experience and intuition of the responsible manager(s).
9. Done is More Important Than Perfect
9.1. Perfection does not exist. Processes undergo continuous improvements. Plan, execute, test, improve.
9.2. Delays in delivering contracted services must always be justified to the client. Contact should never be avoided, but honesty should be promoted. A delay greater than half of the initially defined time may result in the refund of the amount.
10. The Success of the Organization Will Be Distributed Proportionally Among Its Members
10.1. We plan and define common objectives, even if they are to be executed individually. Success will always belong to the team.
10.2. Quarterly, we review the results together, set new objectives, and proceed in mutual agreement.
Although we cannot yet consider ourselves an organization, that is the goal. We are building together, so feel free to comment, criticize, or add to this.
This document may be reviewed quarterly, with its improvement being continuous.
See you soon,
André Casaca